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About Us

Spirometry Training Services Africa offers a range of courses and workshops, at various NQF levels, primarily in the practice of Spirometry but also in other respiratory education.

Navigate this website to find out more about this specialised test and respiratory related subjects and to find a training course or workshop to meet your requirements.

What is Spirometry?

The lung function test spirometry measures the volume and/or flow rate of gas breathed in and/or out of the lungs under specific conditions of maximal effort using a spirometer.

The Spirometer can test the health of all persons, especially those exposed to respiratory hazards in the workplace by determining:

  • presence of lung disease or abnormalities
  • extent of abnormalities or impairment
  • progression of lung disease
  • nature of the physiological disturbance
  • course of therapy
Courses & Workshops
Spirometry Courses
Spirometry Training Workshops
Courses & Workshops
Asthma Programs
Asthma Programs

Contact us for more information on our Courses & Workshops


Thank you so much for the great training. Its been a pleasure having you here. You are the best lecturer ever.


I really was impressed by the course and how well you taught it. You really do do your job very well – the key I think is your detailed knowledge and gifted way of portraying it in a way that is easy to follow and understand, and also your patience and kind encouragement always building your students up and reminding them of the things they are doing well.

Emily Hodge

I would like to thank you for the course it was much more than what we expected and your presentation was excellent and so professional, I take my hat off for you to be able to present the same info to doctors and almost complete novice students at the same time. You have a talent there.

Dr Mel Stronkhorst

I had an EXCELLENT TEACHER :) I really really enjoyed your course, one of the few few courses I have been to that the instructor manages to keep my full attention the entire time :)

Mrs Ruf-Qah Abbas Hoosain

Thank you so much for absolutely everything, the course was amazing!!

Mrs Refqah Isaacs

We are all extremely grateful for doing this course. The Lecturer, Lindsay, was fantastic and we loved her.

Dr Clint Cupido

WOW what a course!!! Thanks for being such a great teacher. I definitely can’t wait to start doing some spiro testing. I really had a great time with the group.

Faldielah Prins
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